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VR meets artificial intelligence

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AI social skills training for education and career

For the AI-powered dialogue experience in VR, we combine natural language processing with machine learning. Thanks to a built-in microphone in the virtual reality headset, users are led into a virtual dialogue with the AI, which is presented as a virtual person. The database can be drawn from both publicly accessible and internal sources, which are further enriched by the constant dialogue with the AI. The system is constantly learning and becoming more proficient.

VR AI dialogue in retail training

In the fast-paced world of retail, excellent customer service is the key to success. With our innovative AI dialogue in VR, we offer you a tailor-made solution to optimally prepare your employees for the challenges of the market. Experience how interactive AI conversations enable your team to recognise customer needs, optimise sales strategies and take customer satisfaction to a new level.

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KI-Dialog in Virtual Reality Retail-Training
Real conversation
Our AI dialogue understands your customers, employees and guests in a natural way. No more stiff, predefined answers – just real conversations!
Virtual personalities
Unlike conventional chatbots, the AI dialogue presents virtual people in 3D with natural body movements and facial expressions in virtual reality.
Simulated emotions
Our blend of VR, convincing AI, speech synthesis, and virtual facial expressions and gestures creates virtual and artificial emotions for endless applications.
Cost efficiency
With our AI dialogue in VR, you save a lot of money on training and education, since there are no salaries, setups, material or consulting costs.
Safe environment
Practice dialogue in a safe environment with difficult, emotional conversation partners without the risk of physical violence.
The AI dialogue in VR adapts to individual needs and accelerates the acquisition of knowledge. The AI recognises the strengths and weaknesses of the learners.
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AI dialogue in the museum

Our AI dialogue in virtual reality offers museums a particularly innovative, interactive form of learning and entertainment that can be offered independently and without staff. Visitors learn more about exhibits in a fun and entertaining way and can ask questions as they go. Dialogue with historical figures, virtually brought to life by AI, is just as conceivable as dialogue with virtual experts or contemporary witnesses. Thanks to the turnkey solution for public operation, high throughput numbers can be achieved with minimal staffing.

More use cases

The uses and applications for AI dialog experiences are endless. Wherever professional interactions with people need to be learned and trained, AI in VR offers cost-efficient and safe environments that can be used as often as required. In museums, AI dialog experiences in VR can bring historical figures to life or virtual museum guides can save on staff costs. 

In vocational training

In many professions, professional dialog and interactions with people are of central importance. In medicine and care, in the hospitality industry, in sales or in customer service - only through training can learners gain experience and improve their skills. The AI dialog experience in VR offers learners a cost-effective and safe training platform that eliminates the need for complex training scenarios, e.g. with actors and extras.

For emergency services

Medical emergencies, police operations with eyewitness interviews, interrogations, dealing with people in exceptional psychological situations or coordinating emergency personnel in crisis management. The training of human interactions and dialogues is becoming increasingly important as the demands on the professionalism of emergency services grow. The AI dialog experience offers unlimited possibilities for situations that cannot be practiced in real life, or only at great expense.

In sales and marketing

What arguments can I use to reach new customers? How do potential customers react to companies or products that I represent? How do I master initial discussions with potential new customers? How do I present myself? What is the best negotiation strategy? What else is needed for the potential new customer to finally sign the contract? The AI dialog experience can work wonders here and take sales training to a whole new level. Sales training with virtual people who can be unpredictable, unfriendly and indecisive - tricky issues for salespeople that cannot be trained in the real world!

In human resources

Imagine the restructuring of a large corporation in which hundreds of jobs have to be cut and redundancies announced. How do employees who have to leave the company after several years or even decades of service react? In the real world, this can only be practiced with actors and according to a script. Thanks to the VR AI dialog experience, a wide variety of dialogs in HR can be trained and thus professional manners with employees can be practiced.

PICO 4 Ultra Enterprise

Turnkey solution

With Virtual Discovery's VR AI dialogue, you get a turnkey solution that is ready to use immediately. All VR headsets come with the VR experience pre-installed and we train your staff to use the equipment efficiently. Depending on the application scenario, you will receive one or more VR headsets of the latest generation, network infrastructure including mobile internet, as well as comprehensive service, support and warranty services to keep your AI dialogue up to date.


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The future starts now! Contact us and experience the synergy of artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

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